A passionate progressive web app user and builder, I'm devoted to cloud and browser-based tools

Full-stack web developer cultivating proficiencies in Linux, web servers, and serverless functions, NoSQL and SQL databases, SvelteKit, and Next.js. I use Prisma and Drizzle to communicate with my databases, manage data relationships, and build queries. I like using Turso (SQLite) when reaching for SQL, and MongoDB for NoSQL.

Experienced with Node and Express, CRUD, and RESTful APIs, I often focus on platforms like Cloudflare, Vercel, and Netlify, where my backend is deployed as a service. I regularly integrate Axiom error-logging and Upstash rate-limiting into my Next.js apps. I'm shifting some of my focus towards Vercel's ecosystem, as they incorporate new features, likely becoming the premier batteries-included full-stack framework. I enjoy using a variety of frameworks and tools, picking new ones up frequently. I regularly interface with GitHub and Docker.

Primarily self-taught, I'm always seeking opportunities to learn, grow, and expand my knowledge and aptitudes. A PWA and SPA enthusiast, virtually every tool I use runs in the browser and in the cloud. With only Linux, a Chromium browser, and VSCode installed, my dev environment is completely set up. I'm currently seeking a full-stack web developer position with a company that will help me build my competencies and push my capabilities.

Recently, I've written a small image-combination program in Rust and a Go/Gin web server as I expand my skills beyond JavaScript.